Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Awkward Hugs: An Investigative Report"

"Awkward Hugs: An Investigative Report" - a video installation, is currently
on view at the booth.
"Awkward Hugs" is a public service video by Vanessa Query and Lee Johnson that explores different types of awkward hugs, their origins and how to avoid them.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Found in the Booth

Well, it's about time.
He's found us!

Spoon River Saga Volume 3

Spoon River Saga Volume 3 : May 10 - 26, 2010.
Spoon River Project is produced by Rani Deighe Crowe.

List of Readers

When the Bank Failed…
1. Thomas Rhodes………………John Bukowski
2. Ralph Rhodes………………..Luke Dennis
3. Nancy Knapp………………..Miriam Eckenrode
4. Barry Holden………………..Dave Nickel
5. Mrs. George Reece……………Leslie Alexandria
6. Eugene Carmen………………Jovan King
7. Henry Tripp…………………Dan Davis
8. Margaret Fuller Slack………...Sheryl Buechly
9. Jack McGuire………………..Howard Shook
10. Harold Arnett……………….Steve McQueen
11. Dr. Iseman………………….Ron Siemer
12. Lambert Hutchins……………Larry Coressel
13. Lillian Stewart………………Sherri Sutter
14. Granville Calhoun……………Michael Robinson
15. Henry Calhoun………………Tony Dallas
16. Ace Shaw……………………Kim Korkan
17. Amelia Garrick……………….Annie Branning
18. Tennessee Claiflin Shope.…….Franklin Johnson
19. Felix Schmidt……………….Shane McCoy
20. Nicholas Bindle……………..John Bukowski
21. Clarence Fawcett……………Howard Shook
22. Henry Phipps……………….Larry Coressel

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The opening of Tim Noble: CIA World Fact Book: phonebooth edition
(a work in progress) was held on Friday, April 2, 7:00 PM, 2010